This Article is for school management, owner and principal
1. Bring all students online
- We suggest school principal to record a personal video message about online teaching. Upload on your school you tube channel. Update the video link in your School account. Send a message about this video to all parents.
- Send Web / Phone app credentials (User ID & Password) to all parents through Scientific study School Account.
- Designate a school staff to make sure all students are logged in phone app
2. Send a notice to all students about online class
- Ask students to download Zoom Phone app in their laptops/ phone
- Instruct students to come online at scheduled time for classes
- Instruct parents to check Phone app chat messages frequently
3. Instruct all teaching staff to start using "Scientific Study" APP and Zoom account
- Train staff about Scientific study App
- Train staff about Zoom Phone app
- Instruct staff to chat with students on a daily basis
- Instruct staff to answer all questions of student in chat module
- Request staff to start creating Classwork and Homework in APP.
- Create Lesson plan in advance
- Create online exams in ERP
4. Review usage of scientific study phone app by parents and staff
Review usage of phone app by parents and staff on weekly basis.